My name is Tannya Benavides and I was raised along Zacate Creek. Having grown up in Laredo and attended our public schools, I learned from a very young age the value of hard work and education and how far that combination can get you, despite the odds.
As a former teacher and now policymaker, I have seen how the decisions made by our elected officials have a direct impact-- whether good or bad in our families, our students, and our future. We must come together and build a Laredo that can thrive for generations to come. We must demand transparency and elected officials that put our people first.
Our city is the #1 port in the country and as such, we must establish ourselves as a world-class destination with a better quality of life where our children can raise their children and our small businesses can succeed.
Being your next city council member, my commitment to our city will be to do just that-- to raise our voice as a community and move Laredo forward for us all.
Vamos por D4! #TodosConTannya
88 Donations
Political advertisement paid for by Juan Livas, Campaign Treasurer.