Sade Fashokun, Leander ISD Place 5

We are a grassroots campaign with broad support within the local community. I'm a longtime Leander ISD parent, volunteer, and trustee since 2021. I have a track record of collaborating with a broad cross-section of the community to advocate for their needs, and getting things done for the benefit of all students, educators, and the community. I advocate for the state to fully fund public education and I'm against the use of public funds to provide vouchers for private school tuition. I work towards academic access & excellence for all students and the operational and fiscal efficiency of the district.

If re-elected, I'll be the only trustee residing in Cedar Park! This campaign needs your support to continue getting our message to more voters every day.

We also accept check donations at:

Sade Fashokun Campaign

1841 S. Lakeline Blvd #101-114

Cedar Park, TX 78613


Thank you!


Join our Campaign: Sade Fashokun for Leander ISD Board, Place 5

Donors confirm that the following statements are true and accurate:
- I am not a foreign national who lacks permanent residence in the United States
- My contribution is made from my own funds, and not those of another.
- I am at least eighteen years old. 

Political advertising paid for by Sade Fashokun Campaign.

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