I am excited to announce my re-election kickoff for the 2020 election. The last three years has seen an enormous amount of change in the Precinct 4 Constables' Office. We have faced the challenges head on starting with modernization. Gone are the days in Brazoria County where Constables can only serve civil process and bailiff courts, citizens demand more from the Constables office in Precinct 4 and we have worked hard to accommodate the demands of our communities.
We have modernized our look, our equipment, and the overall way we conduct our policing. I demand that my staff police with compassion, integrity and transparency. Our office is responsive and community policing driven. We are the first police agency to provide contract deputies to subdivisions and enjoy our relationship with the Lakes of Savannah communities.
It can sometimes be a challenge to quickly assemble a team that has the same vision and compassion for our citizens. We have done an outstanding job of managing growth and adding to our staff, meeting the needs of our communities adding 10 employees and creating cross trained divisions in the department including community services and outreach, patrol, civil, and courts.
I will remain proactive and progressive in our approach to the diverse and changing future and will continue to be responsive to our communities needs and concerns.
Thank you for your support, I thoroughly enjoy being your Precinct 4 Constable and look forward to being reelected and serving another term as your Constable.
Pol Adv. Paid for by James Brawner for Constable Campaign, Angleton Tx.