Mike Eddleman for Leander ISD Pl. 1

We need your help! We have a great mission and message, but only a short period of time to share it with thousands of voters in Leander ISD. 

Children deserve every opportunity to be successful in their lives – ready to manage challenges and realize their dreams. 

Together we share this singular focus, and your voice helps ensure children in Leander ISD schools can be successful. My experience has prepared me to manage the issues facing public schools and bring your voice to that conversation.

Remember, I represent "Your Vote, Your Voice!"

This election will require extensive campaign materials to spread the word and get our mission in front of all those voters. From postcards and door hangers, to event funds and online outreach, we will need it all to make sure our students, teachers and families have the representation they deserve on the school board.

Any contribution is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Mike Eddleman

© 2022 Pol. Adv. Paid for by Mike Eddleman for Leander ISD Board of Trustees. All Rights Reserved.

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