Kathie for Mayor Fest

Join us at El Mercado South from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5th, to celebrate our mayoral campaign.

Our city needs a mayor who has proven she will make policy in the interests of all Austinites. We need a mayor committed to open and transparent government and collaborative, community solutions. As your mayor, I will be committed to those changes.

We hope to see you on June 5th!

Please RSVP to info@kathieforaustin.com

**It would be grand if you chose to become a sponsor to help us win in November. ***

If you would prefer to mail a contribution, please mail checks to:
P.O. Box 300873, Austin, TX 78703

The City of Austin Campaign contribution limits are $450 per individual and $900 per couple.  By clicking "Submit" I confirm that I’m a US citizen or permanent resident, and I have the ability to legally make a donation to a political candidate under Texas law and relevant City of Austin ordinances.

Political advertisement paid for by the Kathie Tovo Campaign, PO Box 300873, Austin, TX 78703; Joseph Pinnelli, Treasurer. This campaign has not agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Chapter. 

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