Monica Guzmán for Austin City Council, District 4


Dear Neighbors and Friends,

Are you with me?

My name is Monica Guzmán, and I am proud to announce my candidacy for City Council, District 4.

Throughout my years as a community organizer and neighborhood leader, I've seen the power of grassroots movements and the impact we can have when we come together.

Now, I’m asking you to stand with me as we embark on this journey to represent our district on the City Council.

Are you with me?

But now, we stand at a crossroads. Our city is facing unprecedented challenges – from housing affordability and economic inequality to environmental degradation and social injustice. And in the face of these challenges, we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines. We must stand up, speak out, and take action.

Will you go to City Hall with me?

Together, we can build a city that works for everyone – not just the wealthy and well-connected. But I can't do it alone, our grassroots campaign needs your support. Every dollar counts and a maximum donation of $450/person or $900/couple helps us reach more residents.

Rally for Change, Donate Today!

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can build a better city for all of us. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working together to build a brighter future for our district and our city.

In solidarity,
Monica Guzmán
Candidate for City Council, District 4

To donate by check, please mail to:
Monica Guzmán for City Council
PO Box 10653, Austin TX 78766-1653
Please include your occupation and employer on the memo line.

Pol. Ad. paid for by Monica Guzmán campaign. The Honorable Jackie Goodman, Treasurer. This campaign has not agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Ordinance.

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