Vincent Harding TCDP Chair

I am truly honored to be the youngest person ever elected to serve as Chair of the Travis County Democratic Party and only the second African-American. I know that I stand on the shoulders of giants and I am committed to opening doors for those who will follow me. I look forward to working with all of our elected officials, precinct chairs, activists, and anyone else who wants to come into the broad tent of the Democratic Party as we pursue liberty and justice for all.

I want to have the most inclusive Democratic Party by having an east-west strategy. I also want to help usher in a new kind of politics based on principle and people over political favors.

I plan to be on the ballot in March of 2016 and need your help to run a strong campaign! Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will help us build the infrastructure that we need. 


Vincent Harding Campaign

P.O Box 142644

Austin, Texas 78714

Pol. adv. paid by Vincent Harding Campaign

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